CS 61A Week 2: Higher-order procedures


  • Abelson & Sussman, Section 1.3

    Note that we are skipping 1.2; we’ll get to it later. Because of this, never mind for now the stuff about iterative versus recursive processes in 1.3 and in the exercises from that section. Don’t panic if you have trouble with the half-interval example on pp. 67–68; you can just skip it. Try to read and understand everything else.


  1. Abelson & Sussman, exercises 1.31(a), 1.32(a), 1.33, 1.40, 1.41, 1.43, 1.46

    (Pay attention to footnote 51; you’ll need to know the ideas in these exercises later in the semester.)

  2. Last week you wrote procedures squares, that squared each number in its argument sentence, and saw pigl-sent, that pigled each word in its argument sentence. Generalize this pattern to create a higher-order procedure called every that applies an arbitrary procedure, given as an argument, to each word of an argument sentence. This procedure is used as follows:

    (every square ’(1 2 3 4)) (1 4 9 16) (every first ’(nowhere man)) (n m)
  3. Our Scheme library provides versions of the every function from the last exercise and the keep function shown in lecture. Get familiar with these by trying examples such as the following:

    (every (lambda (letter) (word letter letter)) ’purple)
    (every (lambda (number) (if (even? number) (word number number) number))
    ’(781 5 76 909 24))
    (keep even? ’(781 5 76 909 24))
    (keep (lambda (letter) (member? letter ’aeiou)) ’bookkeeper)
    (keep (lambda (letter) (member? letter ’aeiou)) ’syzygy)
    (keep (lambda (letter) (member? letter ’aeiou)) ’(purple syzygy))
    (keep (lambda (wd) (member? ’e wd)) ’(purple syzygy))

Features of the week

  • Unix feature of the week: pine, mail, firefox
  • Emacs feature of the week: M-x info, C-x u (undo)
